Community Service

Community Service

Carrying out community service activities by lecturers is included in the main obligations or tasks. This is in accordance with the contents of the Tri Dharma, one of which is the task of carrying out community service. This task will be carried out routinely by lecturers throughout their career in the academic world. So it is important for young lecturers to understand what community service is, the forms of activity, benefits, and procedures for implementing it. Community service is the implementation of the practice of science, technology and art and culture directly to the community institutionally through scientific methodology as the dissemination of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and a noble responsibility in efforts to develop community capabilities. Then the research results in a certain form need to be applied, directly applied to the community to benefit from the results of the research. The results of this research can be in the form of scientific theory, technology, products, and so on in various scientific fields. Community service is an obligation for all lecturers in Indonesia. The implementation is carried out periodically and targets the community around the tertiary institution. Also through this program, universities are trying to participate in encouraging the improvement of the quality of human resources in Indonesia. So that it can accelerate the achievement of national development goals. So far, the implementation of community service activities by lecturers has several goals. that is: Community service is an obligation for all lecturers in Indonesia. The implementation is carried out periodically and targets the community around the tertiary institution. Also through this program, universities are trying to participate in encouraging the improvement of the quality of human resources in Indonesia. So that it can accelerate the achievement of national development goals. So far, the implementation of community service activities by lecturers has several goals. that is: Community service is an obligation for all lecturers in Indonesia. The implementation is carried out periodically and targets the community around the tertiary institution. Also through this program, universities are trying to participate in encouraging the improvement of the quality of human resources in Indonesia. So that it can accelerate the achievement of national development goals. So far, the implementation of community service activities by lecturers has several goals. that is: the implementation of community service activities by lecturers has several objectives. that is: the implementation of community service activities by lecturers has several objectives. that is:

  • Communities outside the university who really need help to solve the problems they are facing. For example, the people in village A have problems managing the accumulated waste.

The nearest tertiary institution has technology as a solution, so community service is held to socialize the use of this technology. So that through dedication, the community will be helped to deal with waste.

  • Special education community, which is in accordance with priorities in the fields of science, population and the environment, as well as educational institutions and community institutions that require guidance and development of a specific skill.
Forms of Activities in the Community Service Program

The form of implementation of community service activities by lecturers was then very diverse. Adapted to the problems faced by the community as the target of activities and forms of science and technology that will be presented to the public.

Community Service Institutions act as coordinators in managing the community including planning, controlling, and evaluating, both monodisciplinary and multidisciplinary programs. Name of Centers Scope of LEMDIMAS: 1. Center for Community and Regional Development2. Center for Education and Community Services3. Center for Management of Independent Business Lectures and Applied Technology Sciences

The Community Service Institution acts as a coordinator in managing the community including planning, controlling, and evaluating, both monodisciplinary and multidisciplinary programs. Name of Centers Scope of LEMDIMAS:

1.      Center for Community and Regional Development.
2.      Center for Education and Community Services.
3.      Independent Business Lecture Management Center – Applied Technology Science.
4.      Addition

MM Feb 💬