
Monday, 22 May 2023

Benchmarking and FGD Curriculum for the Master of Management (S2) Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Trisakti University with Associations, Industry/ Practitioners, Alumni & Graduate Users in 2023.

Benchmarking and FGD Curriculum for the Master of Management (S2) Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Trisakti University with Associations, Industry/Practitioners, Alumni & Graduate Users in 2023.

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Curriculum Bencmarking are routine activities held every 2 years and this is a part of curriculum development and improving the quality of the learning process in the Trisakti University Master of Management study program which has been accredited Superior.

Nara Sumber dalam FGD adalah terdiri dari

1. Universitas Indonesia (Nasional)
2. Macquarie University (Internasional)

Industri :
1. Arya Dwi Paramita, S.Sos, MM (PT. Pertamina)
2. M. Windrawan Inantha, SE, MM (RSPO)
3. Dr. Astan Jaya T, MM
4. Sertyo Budiantoro, ST, MA (Seknas SDGs)
5. Michael Sunggiardi (CTO PT Bonet Utama)

Asosiasi :
1. Dr. Yohanis, ME, MA, CSA, CIB, CRP, PFM, CIFM, CIIM
2. Dr. Yasintha Soelasih, SE, M.Si
3. Efendi SE, M.Bus
4. Dr. Ir. Hoetomo Lembito, MBA, CSLP, CMILT
5. Prof. Edi Santoso, SP, MSi

Pengguna Lulusan :
1. Siti Mukhlidah, SE, MM ( Kasubag Umum Badan pengadaan barang/jasa DKI Jakarta)
2. Mustaknif, SE, M.Ak, CFrA, CSFA (Kepala Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan)
3. Nurul Arsyianti Arsyad, SE, MSi (Kepala Seksi Pengawasan KPP Jakarta)
4. Edi Susianto, SE, MSc (Direktur Eksekutif Pengelola Moneter BI)
5. Marta Muslin ( Direktur Yayasan Platform Limbah Indonesia)

Serta beberapa Alumni Magister Manajemen (S2) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Trisakti dari berbagai Angkatan

Through this FGD, several inputs and suggestions were obtained from various sources for a curriculum development to be better with what is currently needed in the Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Trisakti University in 2023.

MM Feb 💬