The MASUDEM project aims to promote sustainable development and job creation in Indonesia and Thailand (Region 5) by developing and enhancing curricula and the capacity of academic and administrative staff at partner universities in these countries.

The project centers on addressing the critical need to promote sustainable growth and green deals, and will be instrumental in achieving these goals in the partner countries.

Over the course of the project, the development and accreditation of a new Masters/Concentration program in Sustainable Development and Management will be undertaken in partner country universities. The new program will be supported by the development of relevant course modules, course documentation, and study texts, as well as the retraining of partner country academics teaching in the program. In addition, study services for Master’s program students will be improved, in line with best practices, and administrative staff responsible for their provision will be trained.

To support the project’s core outcomes, relevant equipment will be purchased, strengthening capacity building and supporting the project’s main objectives. The project provides a unique opportunity for partner institutions to establish sustainable cooperative relationships with EU partner institutions, in line with their internationalization strategies.

Project results will be disseminated to key stakeholders, providing a platform for future collaboration and growth beyond the current project consortium. By focusing on Sustainable Development and Management, the project addresses the specific needs of partner countries, aligning their development with the UN sustainable development goals, and spreading European values in partner countries. This will generate a lasting impact in the Southeast Asian region and contribute to its economic and social development.


Research Methods for Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is a holistic approach to meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It includes a balance between economic, social and environmental considerations, aiming to create resilient and equitable societies while conserving the earth’s natural resources. The concept emerged in response to the recognition that traditional development models often led to environmental degradation, social inequality and economic instability. Sustainable development, as defined by the 1987 Brundtland Report, is ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’ At its core, sustainable development encompasses a holistic approach that integrates environmental, social and economic dimensions.

The roots of sustainable development can be traced back to the early 1970s, when concerns over environmental degradation and the depletion of natural resources began to take hold. The 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, held in Stockholm, Sweden, marked a pivotal moment in the evolution of environmental discourse, bringing together representatives from 113 countries to discuss the pressing environmental challenges facing the planet.

CSR and Sustainable Development

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has received increasing attention from public companies, government agencies, and researchers. CSR deals with the company’s stakeholders who directly or indirectly influence or are affected by the company’s actions. CSR is considered a form of long-term corporate investment that can have a positive effect on competitive advantage. Implementing CSR in a company is no longer just a cost, more than that, CSR is considered a form of corporate investment. Implementing a CSR programme means that the company will budget for costs. These costs will later become a burden that reduces revenue, which means reduced profits for the company. However, by conducting CSR programmes, the company’s image and good name will be created, which will have an impact on increasing customer loyalty.

According to Carroll (2016), CSR is understood as a policy and practice of business actors that can protect strategies and operations from society/stakeholders. The definition of CSR includes 4 aspects, namely corporate social responsibility related to economics, law, ethics, and philanthropy to society at any given time. These four aspects form a framework for implementing CSR activities known as Carroll’s CSR Pyramid. According to Tyagi et al. (2018), an organisation that wants to improve its
reputation, manage risk and customer loyalty amid market competition through CSR activities. CSR is a company’s commitment to improving the welfare and development of society through the company’s business functions that can contribute to the company’s resources. Thus, companies that demonstrate a commitment to organisational goals that involve society to achieve a better life, are likely to attract investor interest.

According to Bowrey and Clements (2019), CSR activities are not limited to the operating organisation alone, but encompass the entire supply chain activities in which the organisation operates. CSR involves all stakeholders ranging from individual organisations, employees, customers, shareholders, managers, business partners to governments. CSR includes responsibility for both internal and external operational aspects of the supply chain (transport, production, packaging, environmental conditions). Organisations that support their social responsibility throughout the supply chain will benefit from opportunities, innovation and competitive advantage in CSR performance. Corporate social responsibility is a manifestation of the demands of external stakeholders.

ESG Investment and Reporting

The abbreviation ESG stands for ‘Environmental, Social and Governance.’ In general, it refers to the sustainable development of commercial activities based on the following principles: environmentally responsible treatment, high social responsibility, and high-quality corporate governance. ESG includes three interrelated pillars that define an organisation’s approach to sustainability and responsible business practices. Environmental factors assess the company’s impact on ecosystems, natural resources, and climate change. Social factors address the company’s relationships with employees, customers, communities, and society at large. Governance factors focus on the internal mechanisms that shape decision-making processes, including board structure, executive remuneration and shareholder rights.

The ESG investment concept centres on the integration of Environmental (E), Social (S), and Governance (G) factors into investment decisions. The link between these three components lies in their collective focus on assessing and managing the broader impacts and sustainability practices of a company or investment. The environmental component evaluates how a company’s operations impact the
environment. It includes considerations such as carbon emissions, waste management, resource conservation, and the company’s response to climate change. Investments that score well on environmental factors are seen as better positioned for long-term sustainability, especially as the world increasingly focuses on mitigating climate change and transitioning to a greener economy.

Project Management of Sustainable Organization

Sustainable Organisation Project Management has evolved into an organisational core competency. Employers need and value competence in Sustainable Organisation project management. The curriculum covers most of the globally recognised project management related to sustainable organisation knowledge areas of Introduction to Project Management, Project Management Framework and Knowledge Areas, Initiating and Defining Projects, Comprehensive Project Planning, Introduction to Lean Thinking in Project Management, Monitoring, Controlling and Lean Metrics, Future Prospects: Kaizen as a Driver of Continuous Innovation, Project Evaluation Using Net Present Value and Other Measures, Ethics, Leadership & Organisational Dynamics in Project Management, Ethics, Leadership & Organisational Dynamics in Project Management, Digitalisation and Technology Trends in Projects The approach used in this course is a theoretical approach, practical and applied approach. Students will compile and present project results based on business cases.


University of Economics in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia

The University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia, is a public research university focused on education and research in Economics and Business with a history of more than 80 years. The Department of Economics as an integral part of the University and the National Faculty of Economics has been focused on teaching Economics courses at all three levels of university teaching and also on research in the areas of Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, and Economic Methodology, with a particular focus on empirical studies related to the economies of the Central and Eastern European Region. The members of the Department have a wealth of experience with the implementation of research as well as teaching and development projects at national and international levels. The Department regularly organizes international research seminars, workshops, and other academic events. The Department is also active in international cooperation with universities and research institutes in the European Union, but also in other parts of the world. Academics of the Department of Economics have led and coordinated many domestic research and teaching projects and participated in various international projects, e.g. the Erasmus+ KA2 project, or the Erasmus+ CBHE project.

Website: https://euba.sk/en/

Address: University of Economics in Bratislava, Dolnozemská cesta 1, 852 35 Bratislava Slovak Republic

Contact email: anetta.caplanova@euba.sk

Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain

Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO), founded in 1997, is one of the youngest and smallest public universities in Spain. Named after an 18th-century Peruvian intellectual, the university is a dynamic institution dedicated to educating the men and women of tomorrow through strong academic programs, innovative research, and highly educated teaching staff.
All study programs at Universidad Pablo de Olavide are adapted to the European Higher Education Area. Education in the new official study programs is based on providing students with the knowledge, abilities and skills necessary to successfully enter the European labor market. To this end, the University provides the latest technologies and internships in various companies. In addition, the university also supports the acquisition of other languages.
Strong links with Latin America are a key pillar of UPO’s foundation, which is why the University specializes in Latin American studies and has special agreements with the Indian Archives and the School of Hispano-American Studies that allow students access to important archives for their research. Similarly, successful research and teaching collaborations have been developed with Latin American Universities.
Furthermore, our strategic location, as a bridge between Europe and Africa, has favored the development of close relations not only with Moroccan Institutions but also with other African countries such as Tunisia, Egypt or Ghana.
On the other hand, UPO is fully committed to the implementation of a paperless university at every level, thus most administrative and academic procedures from admission to graduation are computer-based, as well as almost all university management procedures. To guarantee the security and authentication of all these procedures, Digital signatures are fully implemented in our university.
University figures (2021/2022 course): Teaching staff: 1,089; Administrative staff: 356; Undergraduate students: 10,325; Graduate students (Master’s degree 1,617, Doctorate 1,014): 2,631; Faculties: 6; Higher Polytechnic Schools: 1; Associated Centers: 1; Departments: 15; Research Centers: 11; Research Groups: 98; Bachelor Degrees: 28; Bachelor’s double degree: 19; International double degrees: 5; Master’s degrees: 41 and Doctoral programs: 9.


Carretera de Utrera, Km.1, 41013 Sevilla (Spain)

Contact email:
bednarova.mich@gmail.com, mbed@upo.es

Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

(Hungarian: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, abbreviation: ELTE) is Hungary’s leading public research university, the largest scientific institution with 16 doctoral schools with 118 doctoral programs.

It is the longest operating university in Hungary, founded in 1635. The university is organized into 9 different faculties, and into research institutes located in Budapest and Szombathely. 28,000 students study at ELTE, of which ELTE hosts 2,400 international students. The international student community is growing year on year.

ELTE offers more than 60 degree programs in foreign languages in the fields of Education and Psychology, Humanities, Informatics, Law, Social Sciences and Science. As a member of various consortia, ELTE also offers joint degree programs with other European universities.

Website: https://www.elte.hu/en/

Address: Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Informatics H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány P. sny 1/C.

Contact email: takacsrita@inf.elte.hu

Občianske združenie No Gravity, Bratislava, Slovakia

Activist groups in various fields mainly focusing on environmental protection, green transportation, renewable energy sources, sports activities in nature, and cultivation and processing of herbal plants. Our mission is to mobilize different sectors in a global effort to educate people about environmental issues and inspire them to act. We continue to influence the way society receives environmental information and promote public opinion for authorities.

To achieve this goal, we work closely with other environmentalists, local communities, marginalized groups, research and development organizations, universities, and with authorities. We encourage sustainable and innovative green transportation, renewable energy sources, organic farming. We support fair trade principles and work closely with environmentally responsible companies. We emphasize on sustainable energy use, environmental monitoring, resource conservation, recycling, and lower emissions.

Website: http://no-gravity.sk/

Address: Občianske združenie No Gravity Oravská 3/A, 821 09 Bratislava Slovak Republic

Contact email: gabriel.adamek@no-grvaity.sk

Mendel University in Brno, Brno, Czech Republic

Mendel University in Brno (MENDELU) is a public institution with a long tradition of excellence in teaching and research that has been encouraging new ways of thinking since 1919 and proudly bears the name of Gregor Johann Mendel, the founder of modern genetics.

MENDELU offers more than 100 graduate degree programs in Czech and English. MENDELU consists of one university institute and five faculties. The modern university campus is located in Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic, the heart of Europe. Brno is one of the best student cities in the world; in 2018, it was ranked in the QS Top 10 Student Cities according to student ratings.

The Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE) is a modern and constantly evolving school, which follows trends in education and research. It offers economics and IT courses at all three levels of university education in Czech and English. On average there are almost 4,000 applicants each year. In 2011 – 2015, FBE was evaluated as the best business school in Moravia and the 3rd best business school in the Czech Republic. Both in the ranking by Hospodářské noviny, as well as in the “Faculty of the Year” competition, chosen by the students themselves, FBE was ranked first in Moravia in the business school section. The faculty is located on the university campus in the modern building Q, which was awarded “Building of the Year 2005”. The building is equipped with Wi-Fi, free use of computer laboratories, lecture halls and classrooms where learning takes place.

Website: https://mendelu.cz/en/

Address: Mendel University in Brno Building A Zemědělská 1665/1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic +420 545 131 111 info@mendelu.cz

Contact email: martina.rasticova@mendelu.cz

International College of National Institute of Development Administration, Bangkok, Thailand

The National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) was established to realize His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s vision of advancing Thailand’s development through the establishment of an advanced educational institution to prepare people to become agents of change for national development. Although NIDA was originally established to support national development in Thailand, this goal has now been expanded to include regional development in countries outside Thailand, with the aim of producing advanced graduates who can serve in the public, business and non-profit sectors.
The International College (ICO) aims to be an interdisciplinary school by capitalizing on the inherent connections among complementary courses. At ICO NIDA, all courses are conducted in English with 10 distinguished concentrations in the Master of Management program. A PhD program is also offered in Management. The college has a number of exchange and dual degree programs with partner universities around the world. Website:

Navamindradhiraj Building 19th Floor, 148 Serithai Road, Klong-Chan, Bangkapi, Bangkok THAILAND 10240

Contact email:

Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand

Srinakharinwirot University (SWU) was established as the Advanced Teacher Training School in 1949 and later became the College of Education in 1954. In 2008, the Department of Economics became an independent institution called the School of Economics and Public Policy, and the School’s name was changed to the Faculty of Economics in 2016. Located at Prasarnmit Campus in the heart of Bangkok’s business and financial district accessible via Skytrain and subway, the Faculty of Economics offers degree programs at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The Faculty has four academic programs: 1) Bachelor of Economics (Thai Program) 2) Bachelor of Economics (International Program). 3) Master’s Program in Managerial Economics 4) Master’s and Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (International Program)


Srinakharinwirot University
114 Sukhumvit 23, Wattana District, Bangkok 10110, THAILAND

Contact email:

Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand

Naresuan University (NU) was established in Phitsanulok Province, located in the Lower North region of Thailand in 1990, and named after the Great King Naresuan. The university consists of 15 faculties categorized into three groups: Social Science Group, Science and Technology Group, and Health Science Group. NU aims to provide equal educational opportunities for people living in the provinces of Lower Northern Thailand. The university is committed to offering study programs that produce graduates and develop human resources in fields that meet social demands, improve people’s quality of life and living standards, and promote sustainable conservation of the environment and natural resources. NU’s vision is to be a “University for an entrepreneurial society”. The Faculty of Logistics and Digital Supply Chain (LDSC) was established in 2011 and is the newest faculty at NU. LDSC provides degree programs in Logistics and Digital Supply Chain at Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral levels. The Master’s degree program at LDSC is a 2-year program that offers two options: thesis and independent study (IS). Faculty research interests are focused on logistics connectivity, data analytics, and sustainability in logistics and supply chain.


Faculty of Logistics and Digital Supply Chain, Naresuan University
99 Moo 9 Ekatotsarot Building,
Tapoh Sub-district, Muang District, Phitsanulok Province 65000, Thailand

Contact email:

Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia

Universitas Trisakti is one of the leading private universities in Indonesia. Its long history dates back to 1965 where the first President expressed the university’s name as sovereignty in politics, independence in economy, and identity in culture.
Trisakti University’s Faculty of Economics & Business received two international certifications: Internal Quality Assurance Certification with International Quality (ISO 9001: 2015) in 2019 and AUN (ASEAN University Network) Quality Assurance Certification (AUN-QA) in 2021.
USAKTI’s Master of Management has several international collaborations and partnerships with institutions from other countries in Asia, Australia, Europe, and the United States. The Ford Foundation partnership supports many initiatives in sustainability-related fields, including national and international seminars and awards related to sustainability practices adopted by companies. MM USAKTI has established a Sustainability Concentration and intends to focus more on enhancing the existing curriculum to effectively address social and environmental challenges, prepare graduates for the changing job market, meet the expectations of regulators and stakeholders, and enhance the reputation of the program and institution.


Jl. Kyai Tapa No.1, RT.6/RW.16, Grogol, Kec. Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 11440

Contact email:

Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The MBA program offered by the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Gadjah Mada which was established in 1988, is a highly regarded program in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. With two campuses in Yogyakarta and Jakarta, MMUGM is designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to become strategic business leaders in a global business environment.
The program offers a range of schemes to fit with the prospective students’ profile such as Regular MBA (full-time, two-year program) International MBA (with the opportunities for dual degree, student exchange, or international academic exposure program), and Senior Executive MBA (for executives, every weekend). In addition to the core courses on business functions, the MBA program allows students to choose between six concentrations: (1) Operations, (2) Marketing, (3) Finance, (4) Human Resource and Organization, (5) Strategic Management, and (6) Entrepreneurship.
Since 2020, the program has launched an innovative concentration on Sustainability Management. Building on the successful International MBA scheme, the new concentration allows the students to choose two sustainability management tracks. Track 1 comprises courses on Energy Resource Management, Climate Change Laws and Greenhouse Gas Reduction, and Urban Planning and Management. Track 2 comprises courses on Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture, Marine Resources and Coastal Management, and Forests and Conservation Management.


Jl. Teknika Utara, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281 

Email of contact person:

Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

UII was established on July 8, 1945 and became a pioneer of Indonesian national higher education. Initially, UII had four faculties: Religion, Law, Education, and Economics. From the early 1970s to 1982, UII underwent extensive physical construction of its offices and faculty buildings, followed by the construction of three other campuses across the city. Since 1990, UII has located its new main campus on Kaliurang Street, Yogyakarta. Built on 35 hectares of land, our hillside campus is the largest and most beautiful built environment in northern Yogyakarta. The campus is about 16 Km away from Mount Merapi – the most active volcano in Indonesia, which led UII to be actively involved with the Erasmus+ BUiLD (Building Universities in Leading Disaster resilience) project as one of the Work Package coordinators.

Currently, UII is one of the leading private universities in Indonesia. It consists of 8 faculties offering 36 undergraduate programs; 13 master’s programs; five doctoral programs; three professional programs; one diploma program; and three applied degree programs. The university hosts around 28,000 students from all over the country and abroad. UII produces more than 107,000 graduates by 2022.

Under the European Commission grant scheme, UII has been involved with 7 Erasmus+ CBHE projects, 1 Horizon project, and 2 Erasmus+ ICM since 2015, which makes UII one of the universities in Indonesia with the highest number of Erasmus+ funded programs.


Jalan Kaliurang Km. 14.5 Yogyakarta 55584, Indonesia

Contact email:

Sustainability Management is a vehicle for all types of organisations to contribute to Sustainable Development. All CSR activities should have one ultimate goal, which is to achieve Sustainability. Doing effective CSR means doing SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound) based on ISO 26000.

Through our curriculum at MM-Sustainability Trisakti University, students will gain all the knowledge and skills needed to fulfil these needs. Our organisation aims to contribute to sustainable development through the provision of Curriculum by providing real case studies, ‘Sustainability Tree’ Game, Field Trips, Regular Seminars, and CSR Clinic.

Some of the key topics typically taught in digital business lectures include:

  1. Research Methods in Sustainable Development: Sustainable development is a holistic approach to meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  2. CSR and Sustainable Development : Sustainable development is a holistic approach to meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  3. ESG Investment and Reporting: The concept of ESG investing centres on the integration of Environmental (E), Social (S), and Governance (G) factors into investment decisions. The link between these three components lies in their collective focus on assessing and managing the broader impacts and sustainability practices of a company or investment.
  4. The Project Management Institute (PMI) defines a project as a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. The temporary nature of projects suggests a definite beginning and end

With a combination of smart learning and active learning, it is ready to produce graduates who are ready to face challenges in a competitive job market. This course will be used for the 2025/2026 academic year curriculum.

MM Feb 💬